County Fair Forms

4-H Fair Code of Conduct (to be filled out by all 4-H exhibitors annually)
MED Show Ring Code of Ethics (to be filled out once in your 4-H career)
4-H Livestock Premium Auction Requirements Auction Requirements for FFA members only
Clothing Shopping in Style Information Sheet

County Fair Resources

Fair Entry
What does each fair ribbon color mean?
Exhibit Information Card for the Judge Template

Fair Exhibit labels in .pdf (use Avery label 5160) need to include: class number, product, 4-H member’s name and district. This is used for all static exhibits except for those listed below.

Food Preservation labels in .pdf or Food Preservation labels in .docx (Word) (use Avery label 5163) needs to include: class number, division, product, canning method, process time, pressure (psi), date processed including month and year, name and district.

Clothing, Fiber Arts or other exhibits needing a cloth label, use a piece of cloth with a permanent or laundry type marker. Labels should be about 3” x 2½” in size and include exhibitor name, class number and district.

State Fair Resources

Livestock/Animal Forms

Kansas State Fair/KJLS Nomination Information

Market Beef forms due - May 1
All other livestock forms due - June 15