Health and Nutrition

What is Health and Nutrition?

K-State Research and Extension is a leader in providing research-based information and education for creating strong, healthy Kansas communities. We strive to improve family relationships, develop consumer and financial management skills, and help Kansans balance the demands of work, family, and community.

Looking for a program for your organization or civic group contact Cindy Williams at 785-863-2212 for programs available. Cindy is the Food, Nutrition, Health & Safety Agent for the Meadowlark District, her main office is located in Oskaloosa.

Programs available include: Know Your Credit; Food Allergies; Age Sense; Reverse Mortgages; Safe Food Preservation; Stay Strong, Stay Healthy; A Matter of Balance and many others.

Simply Tasteful Food Ideas

Simply Tasteful Food Ideas & Food Preservation

Pressure Canning

Altitude Chart for Surrounding Counties of District

Canner Testing

Pressure Canner

Now is the time to get dial gauges tested on pressure canners.

Our 3 extension offices have the Presto Gauge Testing Unit. This can test pressure gauges on the brands of "Presto", "National", "Maid of Honor" and "Magic Seal". Note: This testing unit cannot test "All American" pressure gauges.

We offer this service for FREE. Just take your lid into your local Extension office.

Walk Kansas

Stay Strong, Stay Healthy

A Matter of Balance

Preserve It Fresh, Preserve It Safe Newsletters

Kids a Cookin'

Helpful Information

Informational Videos

4-H Food Preservation

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Cindy Williams
Cindy Williams

District Agent
Food, Nutrition, Health & Safety
Oskaloosa Office
100 E Washington
Oskaloosa, KS 66066
Phone: 785-863-2212