Eastern Kansas Grazing School
Eastern Kansas Grazing School is a workshop on Management Intensive Grazing for beginning and experienced graziers.
The science of grassland management and forage production is a complex and challenging subject. Matching the nutrition needs of various classes of livestock to the seasonal distribution of yield and quality of forages is daunting task. Because grazing livestock is selective, unmanaged grazing often results in stands dominated by grass species highly tolerant to grazing or by grasses with poor palatability. At the school we will discuss these concepts more indepth.
2017 Presentations
Animal Behavior & Grazing Management
Layout and Design with Paddock
2016 Presentations
Introduction to Management intensive Grazing Art & Science of Grazing
Design and Layout of Grazing Systems
Contacts for School
Ross Mosteller
District Agent - Livestock & Natural Resources
Phone: 785-336-2184
David Hallauer
District Agent - Crops & Soils, Horticulture
Phone: 785-364-4125